Privacy Policy
Tixplus Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Company") provides electronic ticketing services, electronic ticket-related services, and ticket trade services.
We strive to deliver new value to stakeholders and fans by establishing an agile organizational structure capable of swiftly responding to changes in the market environment and by fostering flexible collaboration with those involved in live entertainment. We operate the industry's first ticket trade service with auction countermeasures in place and prioritize building communication with our customers through entertainment services while enhancing service quality, strengthening trust, and improving customer satisfaction. We recognize that the personal information we handle in providing our services, the customer information obtained through our website and other channels, and the information of business partners and affiliated companies obtained in the course of conducting our business are the most important informational assets of our company. We are fully aware that protecting personal information is a social responsibility, and we are committed to ensuring its proper handling across the entire company in accordance with the principles outlined below.
1. When acquiring personal information, the Company will specify the purpose of use and collect it through lawful and fair means within the legitimate scope of its business activities.
2. The Company will use the acquired personal information only within the specified purpose of use and will implement measures to prevent its use for any other purposes.
3. When entrusting or providing personal information to third parties, the Company will select entities that meet sufficient protection standards and take appropriate measures through contracts and other means.
4. The Company will comply with laws, government guidelines, and other regulations related to the handling of personal information.
5. The Company recognizes the risks of personal information leakage, loss, or damage and will establish internal standards and an accountability framework to implement appropriate measures for prevention and remediation through necessary security controls.
6. The Company will respond sincerely and promptly to complaints, inquiries, and other concerns regarding the handling of personal information from the individuals concerned.
7. The Company's officers and employees recognize the importance of personal information protection and strive to ensure its proper safeguarding. To this end, the Company has established a personal information protection management system in compliance with the "Personal Information Protection Management Systems — Requirements (JIS Q 15001)," which all employees are required to adhere to, while also committing to its continuous improvement.
Enactment Date: April 1st, 2019
Last Revised: February 1st, 2024
Tixplus Inc.
Representative Director: Sotaro Ikeda
Public Notice on the Purpose of Use of Personal Information
1. Purpose of Use of Personal Information
The Company uses personal information to the extent necessary to achieve the purposes of use in relation to the following business operations:
(1) Business Operations
• Planning, development, and operation of ticket-related businesses, including ticket sales, electronic ticketing, and ticket trade services
• Planning, development, and operation of electronic ticket-related services, including various application services
(2) Purposes of Use
1) Member Information
• Member registration and management, and issuance of membership cards
• Provision of ticket and ticket trade services, and payment processing
• Shipment of purchased products and payment processing
• Applications, drawings, and shipment of promotional items and gifts
• Conducting and collecting surveys for marketing activities
• Providing information on new products, services, campaigns, etc., via email newsletters and other channels
• Responding to inquiries and consultations
2) Business Partner Information
• Communication related to business negotiations and service execution, as well as procedures for orders, invoicing, payments, etc.
• Responding to inquiries and consultations
2. Personal Information Protection Manager
Director, Technology Management Division
3. Entrustment of Personal Information
The Company may entrust personal information to other businesses to the extent necessary to achieve the intended purposes of use. In such cases, the Company will select contractors with an established personal information protection framework and enter into agreements concerning personal information protection.
4. Provision of Personal Information to Third Parties
The Company will not provide personal information to third parties without obtaining prior consent from the individual, except in the following cases:
(1) When the individual has given consent
(2) When required by law
(3) When necessary to protect a person’s life, body, or property, and obtaining the individual’s consent is difficult
(4) When particularly necessary for improving public health or promoting the sound development of children, and obtaining the individual's consent is difficult
(5) When it is necessary to cooperate with a national or local government agency, or an entity entrusted by them, in performing duties prescribed by law, and obtaining the individual's consent may hinder the execution of those duties
(6) When the third party is an academic research institution or a similar entity, and it is necessary for them to handle personal information for academic research purposes (this exception applies even in cases where academic research constitutes only part of the purposes for processing the personal information, but it does not apply if such processing is likely to unjustly infringe on the individual's rights or interests)
5. Shared Use of Personal Information
The Company may share personal information obtained by the Company in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
1) Items of Personal Data
• Name, address, phone number, date of birth, gender, member ID, email address, history, member authentication history, employment and recruitment information
2) Scope of Users
• Fanplus Inc.
• VR MODE Inc.
• Companies with which the Company has contractual agreements
3) Purposes of Use
• Verification of registration information and usage status for fan clubs and e-commerce sites operated by Fanplus Inc., as well as providing information on products, various services, and benefits handled by these fan clubs and e-commerce sites
• Provision of products, various services, and benefits related to the VR MODE business operated by VR MODE Inc.
• Verification of registration information and usage status for services provided by companies with which the Company has contractual agreements, as well as providing information on various services and benefits.
4) Managing Entity
• Tixplus Inc., Personal Information Protection Manager
5) Method of Acquisition
• Data linkage within the system
6. Personal Information Protection Policy and Contact for Complaints and Inquiries Regarding Personal Information Handling
For inquiries or complaints regarding the Company's Personal Information Protection Policy or the handling of personal information, please contact our Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Desk using either postal mail or email.
Please note that we do not accept in-person requests at our office.
Tixplus Inc. – Personal Information Complaints & Consultation Desk (Customer Support)
Shibuya Minami Tokyu Building, 5th Floor
3-12-18 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002
(Inquiries are accepted via PC or smartphone.)
7. Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization to Which the Company Belongs
(1) Name of Authorized Personal Information Protection Organization
Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC)
(2) Contact for Complaint Resolution
Personal Information Protection Complaint Consultation Office
Note: Only inquiries related to the handling of personal information are accepted.
For complaints, please submit them through this
*You will be taken to the inquiry form of the Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (JIPDEC).
Please note that this is not a contact point for inquiries regarding the Company's products or services.
8. Acquisition and Use of Attribute Information, Device Information, Location Information, and Activity History
(1) Use of Cookies
The Company's website sends information called "Cookies" to users' computers to identify their devices and enhance convenience. If Cookies are not permitted, some of the Company's services may not be available. Users can configure their browser settings to allow or block Cookies as needed.
Cookies do not store any personal information and are not used to identify individual users.
(2) SSL
The Company's website uses SSL to protect users' personal information. This ensures that any personal information entered by users, such as names, addresses, and phone numbers, is automatically encrypted during transmission. As a result, even if transmitted data is intercepted by a third party, its contents cannot be stolen. Additionally, the Company strictly manages personal information based on its established management standards. Security measures such as firewalls and antivirus protection are in place to prevent unauthorized access, loss, destruction, alteration, leakage, and virus infection, and other risks.
(3) Access Logs
The Company's website records information about visitors in the form of access logs. These logs include details such as the visitor's domain name, IP address, browser type, and access date and time. However, they generally do not contain information that can identify individual users.
Access logs are used for website management and statistical analysis of usage trends and are not used for any other purposes.
(4) Use of Google Analytics
The Company's website uses Google Analytics to understand usage patterns and improve its services.
Google Analytics collects visitor information through Cookies; however, the information obtained is anonymous and is not linked to any personally identifiable information.
For details on how visitor access information is collected and used, please refer to the Google Analytics Terms of Service and Google Privacy Policy.
• Google Analytics Terms of Service (Google Inc.)
• Google Privacy Policy (Google Inc.)
9. Voluntary Provision of Personal Information
Providing personal information to the Company is entirely voluntary.
However, if you choose not to provide the required information, the Company may be unable to properly provide certain services.
10. Measures Taken for Security Management
The Company implements the following measures to ensure the secure management of the personal information it holds.
(1) Establishment of Rules for Handling Personal Data
The Company has established internal regulations for personal information protection and ensures compliance with appropriate handling practices.
(2) Organizational Security Management Measures
The Company appoints a responsible officer for the handling of personal data and establishes a management system as well as a reporting and communication framework.
(3) Organizational Security Management Measures
The Company regularly provides training to employees to ensure awareness and proper handling of personal information.
(4) Physical Security Management Measures
The Company restricts entry and exit for employees and others to maintain a secure environment in areas where personal information is handled.
(5) Technical Security Management Measures
The Company controls access to information systems to ensure the proper handling of personal information.
(6) Understanding of External Environments
The Company does not outsource the handling of personal data to third parties located overseas.
(If personal data is provided to a third party in a foreign country, it will only be done with the individual's consent or in compliance with legal standards.)
Procedures for Requests for Disclosure.
1. Requests for Disclosure
Upon request from the individual, the Company will respond to requests concerning retained personal data, including notification of the purpose of use, disclosure (including records of personal information provided or received), correction, addition, or deletion of content, suspension of use, erasure, and suspension of provision to third parties (hereinafter referred to as "Disclosure, etc."). The procedures for such requests are as follows.
2. Documents Required for Requests for Disclosure, etc.
To make a request for Disclosure, etc., please download the following request form, complete all required fields, and mail it to the address below along with a copy of an official identification document, such as:
1) Driver’s license 2) Passport 3) Health insurance card 4) Pension handbook 5) Residence card (or Special Permanent Resident Certificate)
*If your identification document includes your registered domicile ("honseki"), please black it out before submission. If it is not blacked out upon receipt, the Company will black it out to prevent its retention.
(1) When requesting disclosure of personal information or third-party provision records, or notification of the purpose of use (fee required):
• Request Form for Disclosure, etc. of Personal Information (PDF)
(2) When requesting correction, addition, or deletion of personal information, suspension of use or erasure, or suspension of provision to third parties (free of charge):
• Request Form for Correction/Suspension of Use, etc. of Personal Information (PDF)
Tixplus Inc. – Personal Information Complaints & Consultation Desk
Shibuya Minami Tokyu Building, 5th Floor
3-12-18 Shibuya, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 150-0002
3. Requests for Disclosure, etc. by an Authorized Representative
If an authorized representative is making a request for Disclosure, etc. on behalf of the individual, please enclose the following documents in addition to the documents listed in Section 2 above.
(1) When the Request is Made by a Legal Representative
• A document verifying the authority of the legal representative (such as a family register extract issued within the last three months or, for a parent, a copy of a valid health insurance card listing the dependent child)
• A document verifying the identity of the legal representative (a copy of one of the following official identification documents):
1) Driver’s license 2) Passport 3) Health insurance card 4) Residence card (or Special Permanent Resident Certificate)
(2) When the Request is Made by an Authorized Representative
• The Company’s designated letter of authorization:
Letter of Authorization for Personal Information Disclosure Request (PDF)
• A document verifying the identity of the authorized representative (a copy of one of the following official identification documents):
1) Driver’s license 2) Passport 3) Health insurance card 4) Residence card (or Special Permanent Resident Certificate)
• A certificate of the individual's registered seal (issued within the last three months and matching the seal used on the letter of authorization)
4. Fees for Requests
A fee of ¥1,000 per request applies only to requests for notification of the purpose of use, disclosure of personal information, or disclosure of third-party provision records. Please enclose ¥1,000 worth of postage stamps with your application documents. If the fee is insufficient or not included, we will notify you. However, if payment is not made within the specified period, the request will be considered withdrawn.
5. Method of Response to Requests for Disclosure, etc.
Notification and disclosure in response to requests will be provided in accordance with the method specified in the request form, either in writing sent to the registered address or via electronic records (such as system messages or email).
6. Purpose of Use of Personal Information Obtained Through Requests for Disclosure, etc.
Personal information obtained in connection with a request for Disclosure, etc. will be used only to the extent necessary to process the request.
7. Cases Where Requests for Disclosure, etc. Cannot Be Processed
Please note that the Company may be unable to fulfill a request for Disclosure, etc. in the following cases:
(1) If the submitted documents are incomplete
(2) If the identity of the requester cannot be verified
(3) If the authority of a representative making the request cannot be confirmed
(4) If the requested information does not correspond to any personal information held by the Company
(5) If disclosure could potentially harm the life, body, property, or other rights and interests of the individual or a third party
(6) If disclosure could significantly hinder the proper execution of the Company's business operations
(7) If disclosure would violate other applicable laws and regulations
(8) If disclosure could encourage or induce illegal or improper activities
(9) If disclosure could jeopardize national security or adversely affect negotiations with other countries or international organizations
(10) If disclosure could hinder crime prevention, suppression, investigation, or the maintenance of public safety and order
8. Contact for Complaints Regarding the Handling of Retained Personal Data
For complaints regarding the handling of retained personal data, please contact the following:
Tixplus Inc. – Administrator
Attn: Personal Information Complaints and Consultation Desk